(1) VPS
Server Plans
The "VPS Control Panel" (login here) allows
you to administer your VPS server (e.g. backup, reboot, or change the root password).
W A R N I N G !!!!!! This is a powerful tool, know what you are doing before you do it. Do NOT use the "Reinstall"
link unless you want to start over with a new OS-- this
will completely wipe out your domains on the
server; it will install a new fresh OS. All your data will be lost.
In oder to overwrite all your current data and restore it from an earlier backup, use the "Central Backup" link. Be very aware what you do--first look at the date you last backed your VPS up. "Central Backup" is also the place to create new backups. The "Quick Backup" button, on the other hand, creates a full backup file into your server's account (so it almost doubles the disk space you currently use); this is for later transfer to your home computer.
For some server admin tasks you will need an SSH program. We suggest the Absolute Telnet/SSH secure terminal client for Windows and dataComet-Secure for Mac OS X. For a listing of SSH programs for all platforms, see the following Wikipedia website:
Dedicated Servers & General Server Admininstartion
Make sure to get
a good stand-alone SSH client: we suggest the Absolute Telnet/SSH secure terminal client for Windows and dataComet-Secure for Mac OS X. More at the following Wikipedia website:
For a good handbook
for CentOS 6 see the link below; for web server administration see especially from chapter 28 onwards:
Other Linux guides, see here.
Common SSH Commands
- Linux Shell Commands
For an extensive list of Linux commands, see: http://archive.oreilly.com/linux/cmd/
Here is a list of the more frequently used SSH
commands or Linux shell commands:
ls : list files/directories
in a directory, comparable to dir in windows/dos.
ls -al : shows all files (including
ones that start with a period), directories,
and details attributes for each file.
cd : change directory ·
· cd /usr/local/apache : go to /usr/local/apache/
cd ~ : go to your home directory
cd - : go to the last directory
you were in
cd .. : go up a directory cat
: print file contents to the screen
cat filename.txt : cat the
contents of filename.txt to your screen
chmod : EG chmod 640
filename - setts permissions to 'filename'
to 640
chown : EG chown root.psaadm
filename - sets ownership if file 'filename'
tail : like cat, but only reads
the end of the file
tail /var/log/messages : see
the last 20 (by default) lines of /var/log/messages
tail -f /var/log/messages :
watch the file continuously, while it's being
tail -200 /var/log/messages : print the last 200 lines of the file to the
tail -f /var/log/maillog :
print last messages in mail logs (for cPanel
tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog : print last exim messages in mail logs (for
cPanel server)
tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log : look at suexec for nobody perl exploits
tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log : Apache ERROR log (Plesk server)
tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log : Apache ERROR log (cPanel server)
tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log : Apache access log
more : like cat, but opens
the file one screen at a time rather than all
at once
more /etc/userdomains : browse
through the userdomains file. hit to go to the
next page, to quit
pico : friendly, easy to use
file editor .... or nano we
have one of both installed on your server)
pico /home/burst/public_html/index.html : edit the index page for the user's website.
resp. nano /home/burst/public_html/index.html : edit the index page for the user's website.
vi : another editor, tons of
features, harder to use at first than pico
vi /home/burst/public_html/index.html : edit the index page for the user's website.
grep : looks for patterns in
grep root /etc/passwd : shows
all matches of root in /etc/passwd
grep -v root /etc/passwd :
shows all lines that do not match root
touch : create an empty file
touch /home/burst/public_html/404.html : create an empty file called 404.html in the
directory /home/burst/public_html/
ln : create's "links"
between files and directories
ln -s /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
/etc/httpd.conf : Now you can edit
/etc/httpd.conf rather than the original. changes
will affect the orginal, however you can delete
the link and it will not delete the original.
rm : delete a file
rm filename.txt : deletes filename.txt,
will more than likely ask if you really want
to delete it
rm -f filename.txt : deletes
filename.txt, will not ask for confirmation
before deleting.
rm -rf tmp/ : recursively deletes
the directory tmp, and all files in it, including
COMMAND !!!! If you make a mistake you can delete
your entire server within a minute!
last : shows who logged in
and when
last -20 : shows only the last
20 logins
last -20 -a : shows last 20
logins, with the hostname in the last field
w : shows who is currently
logged in and where they are logged in from.
netstat : shows all current
network connections.
netstat -an : shows all connections
to the server, the source and destination ips
and ports.
netstat -rn : shows routing
table for all ips bound to the server.
top : shows live system processes
in a nice table, memory information, uptime
and other useful info. This is excellent for
managing your system processes, resources and
ensure everything is working fine and your server
isn't bogged down.
top then type Shift
+ M to sort by memory usage or Shift
+ P to sort by CPU usage
top then type C to show the processes
ps: ps is short for process
status, which is similar to the top command.
It's used to show currently running processes
and their PID. A process ID is a unique number
that identifies a process, with that you can
kill or terminate a running program on your
server (see kill command).
ps U username : shows processes
for a certain user
ps aux : shows all system processes
ps aux | grep httpd : shows
Apache processes
ps aux --forest : shows all
system processes like the above but organizes
in a hierarchy that's very useful!
file : attempts to guess what
type of file a file is by looking at it's content.
file * : prints out a list
of all files/directories in a directory
du : shows disk usage.
du -sh : shows a summary, in
human-readble form, of total disk space used
in the current directory, including subdirectories.
du -sh * : same thing, but
for each file and directory; helpful when finding
large files taking up space.
wc : word count
wc -l filename.txt : tells
how many lines are in filename.txt
cp : copy a file
cp filename filename.backup : copies filename to filename.backup
cp -a /home/user1/new_design/* /home/user1/public_html/ : copies all files, retaining permissions form
one directory to another.
kill: terminate a system process
kill -9 PID EG: kill -9 4022
kill PID EG: kill 10550
Use top or ps ux to get system PIDs (Process IDs)
10550 pts/3 0:01 /bin/csh
10574 pts/4 0:02 /bin/csh
10590 pts/4 0:09 APP
Each line represents one process, with a process
being loosely defined as a running instance
of a program. The column headed PID (process
ID) shows the assigned process numbers of the
processes. The heading COMMAND shows the location
of the executed process.
Putting commands together
Often you will find you need to use different
commands on the same line. Here are some examples.
Note that the | character is called a pipe,
it takes date from one program and pipes it
to another.
> means create a new file, overwriting any
content already there.
>> means tp append data to a file, creating
a newone if it doesn not already exist.
< send input from a file back into a command.
grep User /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
This will dump all lines that match User from
the httpd.conf, then print the results to your
screen one page at a time.
last -a > /root/lastlogins.tmp
This will print all the current login history
to a file called lastlogins.tmp in /root/
tail -10000 /var/log/exim_mainlog |grep
domain.com |more
This will grab the last 10,000 lines from /var/log/exim_mainlog,
find all occurances of domain.com (the period
represents 'anything',
-- comment it out with a so it will be interpretted
literally), then send it to your screen page
by page.
netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l
Show how many active connections there are to
apache (httpd runs on port 80)
mysqladmin processlist |wc -l
Show how many current open connections there
are to mysql
rpm -q RPMname : to check is
a certain RPM is installed
rpm -Uvh RPMname.rpm : install
an RPM named 'RPMname.rpm'
tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz :
uncompress a .tar.gz file
service : EG service
httpd restart (restart Apache) or service
qmail stop (stops qmail) or service
httpd start (starts Apache) - restarts,
stops or starts services
(3) Hosting
Control Panels
cPanel/WHM server
admin level and user level guides:
A great resource
are the cPanel Forums at:
Login to your VPS or dedicated cPanel server's
admin level WHM interface at:
http://<Your Server's
Main IP>:2086/ or the SSL port https://<Your
Server's Main IP>:2087/
PASSWORD: <Your Password>
Same username and password will work for root
level SSH access to your server's main shared
IP. We installed "pico" and/or "nano"
(and always also "vi") as a basic
text editors to be used in SSH.
After logging in to WHM for the first time,
please follow the on-screen instructions for
the basic setup. More info here.
We suggest you to click on pretty much every
menu link (except HDD formatting) in WHM to
decide what settings you want.
We suggest to install
Zend Optimizer for faster PHP / MySQL processing:
run as root:
We also suggest to run these two scripts for
very basic security (to
hinder someone from abusing your /tmp directory:
Also note that message boards like phpBB2 get
regularly hacked. You might want to update them
as often as possible.
Many of the usual smaller problems (e.g. with
file permissions) are fixed running this script:
(It will run a long time, maybe an hour .. do
not interrupt after you start it.)
cPanel add-on: Fantastico DeLuxe
If you also ordered a Fantastico license, please
note: activation of the license at Netenberg's
licensing server usually takes 6 to 24 hours.
Please install Fantastico following these very
simple instructions from below link (via SSH,
root level).
https://www.netenberg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=950 (install instructions)
IN CASE you get a download error, that means
the license isn't active yet ... try later again.
For Fantastico related problems and questions,
consult the Netenberg forums at:
cPanel add-on: Softaculous
Same as Fantastico, Softaculous is a script installer. But it is installs over 250 scripts and is more often updated than Fantastico, and easy to install and maintain.
Home Page: http://www.softaculous.com
Install instructions at: http://www.softaculous.com/docs
For DirectAdmin
server and user level documentation, see:
Very helpful are
also the DirectAdmin forums at:
Login to your DirectAdmin
VPS server at:
Server's Main IP>:2222/
PASSWORD: <Your Password>
DirectAdmin add-on: Softaculous
Softaculous is a script installer. It is installs over 250 scripts and is easy to install and maintain.
Home Page: http://www.softaculous.com
Install instructions at: http://www.softaculous.com/docs
Plesk documentation can be found at:
Consult the Parallels
Plesk forums for all Plesk related issues:
Login to your Plesk server at:
https://<Your Server's
Main IP>:8443/
PASSWORD: <Your Password>
Plesk add-on: Softaculous:
Softaculous is a script installer. It is installs over 250 scripts and is easy to install and maintain.
Home Page: http://www.softaculous.com
Install instructions at: http://www.softaculous.com/docs
(4) Security
Security is a never
ending job, and it should be one of your main
concerns as a server administrator, especially
if you are hosting business sites. It is a very
complex and constantly changing field. As a
very minimum, we suggest to install a firewall
from your VZPP
control panel. Please
also read our security
advice. We
also suggest you to visit the above listed cPanel,
Plesk, etc. FORUMS for tips on how to secure
your server. If you have further questions,
please contact us by email. For serious business
sites and database hosting we suggest to go
with one of our customized,
fully secured and fully managed dedicated servers.
(5) e1000e ERROR
Instructions to fix the e1000e ERROR
on new Supermicro servers are here.